Gardening with the Moon – November 2022

here is your lunar calendar november 2022 for the garden.

This calendar is based on the biodynamic calendar (based on the work of Maria Thun).

For every day of this month of November 2022 you will find my recommendations for your natural vegetable garden.

Gardening with the Moon – The Basics

Gardening with the moon is fashionable…

Relying on the moon for gardening is for some a belief from another era, for others evidence based on concrete observations…

It is up to everyone to do according to their beliefs and beliefs.

Biodynamic Lunar and Planetary Calendar 2023
Lunar and Planetary Biodynamic Calendar 2023

Certain works, especially performed by biodynamicists, tend to show that the moon, but more generally the stars, would have some influence on the plants.

The ancients closely observed the phases of the moon…

Rather, for biodynamicists, it is the lunar cycle that is important to consider.

I have personally commented that it is better to avoid moon nodes for sowing or planting…

It is also easy to see that seeding a few days before the full moon (i.e. in the waxing moon phase) will germinate much faster than sowing in the waning phase…

For the rest, I think that these terms are only indications to get the best out of your vegetable garden. It’s up to you to do according to your observations and beliefs…

But don’t forget that common sense must prevail on the moon… For example, if it rains hard the next day after sowing, it may be better to sow the same day.

Moon phases (about 29 1/2 days)

The ancients took the phases of the moon into account when sowing or planting.

moon phases - gardening with the moon November 2022

  • the moon is growing from new moon to full moon. This period is conducive to cultivating the land, treatments (herbs of course!), transplanting, planting and sowing fruiting vegetables. Vegetables harvested on a crescent moon keep better.
  • she is diminishing from full moon to new moon. This period is conducive to sowing what should not be sown (salads, spinach, onions). It is also the ideal time to work the land, harvest (more flavour) or even prune the trees and shrubs that you want to limit the growth of.

Lunar cycle (about 26 days)

The work of biodynamicists attests to a greater influence of lunar cycles on plants.

The lunar cycle describes the path of the moon in the sky:

  • She has been said Ascending (or increasing) when the trajectory is higher from day to day. The sap then rises in the plant. This period is conducive to sowing, planting bulbs, grafting or harvesting fruits and vegetables for fresh consumption.
  • Conversely, it is said: descending when the day-to-day trajectory is lower. The sap descends into the roots. It is then time to plant, transplant, take cuttings, layer, prune, till the land and add organic matter.

To determine whether the moon is rising or falling: Observe its position in the sky relative to a fixed point (the top of a tree, a hill, etc.) at any given time. Observe its position the next day, but 2 hours later: when the moon is higher, it rises; if it is lower, it is decreasing.

Special days

new moon, a certain phase for moon gardening
The new moon should be avoided to sow
  • Avoid sowing on days of new moons.
  • When the moon is in Highlightrefrain from sowing.
  • When the moon is in perigee (especially after the full moon) this is a risky situation for plants prone to cryptogamic diseases. This increased lunar activity can develop such diseases. It is therefore advisable to carry out preventive plant-based spraying. It is also a good day for sowing, except for plants prone to cryptogamic diseases.
  • If there is an unfavorable day (moon node) avoid gardening.

The moon and the signs of the zodiac

The moon revolves around the earth in 27 days and thus passes in front of each of the twelve constellations of the zodiac.

Thus, the different elements are associated with 3 signs of the zodiac:

  • To the constellations of the earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) we associate root vegetables (garlic, beets, carrots, turnips, shallots, onions, radishes, potatoes) and bulbous flowers.
  • To the constellations of the sky (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) correspond flower vegetables as well as annual and perennial flowers, flowering trees and shrubs, and aromatic and medicinal plants from which the flowers are harvested.
  • To the constellations of water (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio) correspond leafy vegetables (artichoke, celery, chicory, cabbage, watercress, spinach, lettuce, leek) and aromatic and medicinal plants from which the leaves are harvested.
  • To the constellations of fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) we associate fruit vegetables (eggplant, cereals, cucumber, pumpkin, broad bean, strawberry, raspberry, bean, melon, pepper, peas, pumpkin, tomatoes) and fruit trees.

Personally, I mainly use the lunar calendar as a planning tool for my crops.

I try to respect the planting and sowing periods as best as possible, as well as days for fruit, roots, leaves or flowers… If the weather, the progress of my work (if the land is not ready for sowing, it is better to wait until then to sow in bad conditions!) or even my availability (Material but also psychologically… We are more successful at sowing when we have good energy for it.) allow it.

Basically, I don’t think of this lunar garden calendar as an absolute rule, but rather as a simple guide.

My only “ban” are the days of lunar or planetary knots…

Lunar calendar November 2022 (PDF)

Here’s your November 2022 lunar calendar for the garden:

Lunar calendar November 2022 – PDF

This November 2022 lunar calendar, like all calendars for the current year, is available on the Training Area from the beginning of the year.

Organize your next garden season in the best possible way by relying on the Nicolas Larzillière garden notebook.

Note: The impact of the moon on crops is very relative. For bountiful harvests, you must first and foremost adopt good cultural practices.